It's been quiet on the forum lately… Is this the calm before the storm? (I hope not)
I have an idea to get some forum traffic going, club participation, member involvement. Something super simple and fun! I am posting this to generate conversation and comments on general rules and function as well as opinions regarding the matter. No worries, this is a no drama post.
I would like to create a Rig of the Month contest within Texas 4WD, NOT CHAPTER SPECIFIC but throughout the whole organization. The intention is to have people submit pictures, of their rig (dirty, clean, action, still, chicks posing, dudes posing, mild or wild mods, etc…) and the community vote on the best for the month. Additionally at the end of each year there will be 12 rigs, perfect for making a calendar! Sales can benefit a charity or community organization or whatever? A great opportunity for the cover shot is the statewide meet as well.
What are your thoughts? Please post and let me know what you think! See below for a rough draft of some "rules".
1.)One picture may be submitted per member per month (if multiples are submitted the first one will be the one that is judged).
2.)All pictures shall be "Safe for Work" and "Family Friendly"
3.)Each rig shall only win one month from the year, a member with multiple rigs may win multiple months. The intention is to have a nice variety for the calendar.
4.)Once a rig has won a "Rig of the Month Status" all future submissions of the same vehicle will not be counted in the vote.
5.)Anything else to add? Please comment below!
Additional thoughts:
•Stickers or shirts for Rig of the Month (RotM) winners?
•Free calendar for the 12 that are voted winners?
•I am not tech savvy but thoughts on picture file size requirements/ quality?
•A new tab in the Main Discussion Area with a thread for each month? (will help with organization)
Should be fairly easy to kick this off, we can even host a vote for the months that have already passed in 2014 to catch up and have a calendar ready for 2015.
I look forward to the thoughts posted on this.
Thanks and as always, see you on the trails!