8th Annual WFTW-TX Main Event
Saturday, May 7 at 8 AM
Sign UP: http://www.123contactform.com/form-1369169/
Hidden Falls Adventure Park (Official)
7030 E FM 1431, Marble Falls, Texas 78654
We have a special Hotel rate for the main event. If you want it you need to call Motel 6 at 830-265-6565 and ask for the "Wheeler for the Wounded Rate" It will be $69 plus tax per night. Reserve soon. there is another event happening in Marble Falls and they will do this deal until they are full.
Registration is now open. All Drivers must register. If you pre-register, it is much cheaper & faster than doing it at the park. PLEASE PRE-REGISTER...It also helps us plan for numbers to expect. Only the driver needs to register...Passengers, kids etc will be listed on "WAIVER" forms at the SIGN IN STATION. There is no extra charge for them. Everyone must be registered & have an identifying wrist band in order to participate, drive & enjoy the meals.
If you haven't already; Please join our Face Book Group...Wheelers for the Wounded-Texas. The Official Main Event Post will be right there. All info, updates, questions & discussiions will be on the WFTWTX FB site.
(Copied from Facebook)
This is the post I put up last year explaining the event and answering the most asked questions. Please keep in mind this is a WORKDAY. You are volunteering to work. If you come with that mindset you will enjoy it much more. This is an opportunity to say "Thank you." to a veteran and not just a generic, packaged Thank you but a face to face, genuine, THANK YOU! It is a day of orderly mass chaos. The whole day is. No matter how much planning you do for every circumstance, there will be wrenches thrown in the gears, EXPECT THIS. Hang loose, be ready to work, and let's show these men and women and great time.
One quick questionI was asked several time last year. Will there be a gluten free alternative? Yes water. We will have water. When we get the caterer lined up I will post who it will be and what we plan to have. If you have special dietary concerns plan to address those.
You know I get asked a ton of questions in the weeks leading up to the event. Let me address a few:
1. What is the most important thing we need? EMPTY SEATS. I can not stress this enough. We need drivers and empty seats. If we have more soldiers than seats we go back to switching off, rotating the riders, and having wounded and guests standing up to an hour in the sun to get a ride.
2. Will I definitely have a wounded vet ride with me? No. There is no way to guaranty this and we really do not want to. Like the post says above, we need as many empty seats as we can get. Right now we have a very strong military commitment but at the morning of the event, it is up to these vets to get on the busses. If they show up we bring them, but we can't make them.
Also, keep in mind that we also invite support staff and family members of our vets. We believe that having support staff, rehab staff, nurses, even doctors, is good for them and for us. It allows the staff to see what these men and women are capable of and interact with them on different basis than what they are used to. These people are also our guest. We work very hard to get wounded to the event. It is not an easy job. These guys are protected very well. We will always do the best we can but we can not guarantee anything in this area.
3. Do I have to do anything other than drive someone through the trails? Not really, but this a WORK DAY. Come with that mindset. Be ready to do anything you can to help. Clear tables, trash cans, anything you see that needs doing, DO! This event is very hectic event. We can plan for ever to the last detail and wrench will be thrown in and change the whole day. Expect that. Expect chaos, however, we have guest, do not let them see any of that. They need to think this is smooth running easy going fun event. I can not stress enough, these men and women are our guest. Make them feel that way. Shake their hands, thank them, and make them feel comfortable. Their safety and comfort is our first and most important job.
4. If I do not have any open seats can I still go out on the trails? This is what this event is about. Like I said it is work day, it takes commitment and hard work. The ride time is short. 4-5 hours. We need the seats. My wife has never gone out on the trail and instead volunteers under the tent watching kids and helping where needed. I myself have only given two wounded rides in 7 years. I know in some case it is a lot to ask but, we really need your seats. You have the opportunity for 4 hours, to sacrifice.
Once all the 4x4s are full and out, we will load up anyone else that would like to go out. This is only if we have spare seats.
5. What do I need to bring? Besides the empty seats, am I stressing that enough? Pack some snacks, water, etc. Remember. these are your guest treat them right.
6. Do I need to register for the event? Yes you can. Do so at http://www.123contactform.com/form-1369169/
7. Can I share beer with my soldier? NO, During this event we are not allowed by the military to have ANY alcohol PRESENT. NONE. After we officially close the event you can but if you have any out during, expect to be asked to leave the park. These are Active Wounded Veterans they are under care and they are our responsibility.